We are due to begin cruising the canals and rivers of England and Wales, on Bartimaeus, in July. Not the beginning of July as I am still working and Bartimaeus is not in the water at the moment either. Meanwhile, Shane is ordering lots of useful bits and pieces (keys for opening bridges, maps, licence holders, pump out cards etc) and there seems to be a new delivery every day. Bartimaeus is a male name (given by the previous owner) and I’m happy with name, but traditionally boats are called “she” so that messed with my head slightly to start with. The builders Ortomarine use “she” so we will stick with she/her as the preferred pronouns.

We’ve been to see her though she was out of the water and had to climb ladder to get in. Wrens made their nest in her bow locker so hoping they have safely flown before we move in but happy to have them squatting.