Last night I hit on the idea of contacting my Edinburgh GP. I was able to book a telephone consultation for this morning. Before the due time for that, Clare contacted Mercia Marina to ask if we would be able to berth Bartimaeus there. The initial response was to say they were very full, but as soon as Clare mentioned surgery she immediately looked and very quickly confirmed that there was a space for us.
Later, I was horrified to get a text telling me that the doctor had not been able to get through and that I should make a new appointment. I phoned the surgery in Edinburgh – a very understanding receptionist put me back on the list and the phone consultation happened.
As soon as I described my diagnosis and explained the situation I could hear the GP switch modes. She promised to get things rolling as soon as she could, and promised to call me back first thing tomorrow if not before. She did call back later asking for further information. I think I have now managed to forward the letter from the Burton consultant – but the paper copy was being taken along too.
I have also had offers of accommodation in Edinburgh, so it is starting to feel like we’re getting our ducks in a row. Today’s date should inspire us for that.
By the afternoon, the weather had improved but it was still pretty windy. Having sat still for nearly three days the batteries needed some charging. We decided to go as far as the winding hole and come back. Mooring up again was surprisingly tricky, a strong gust of wind blew us most of the way across the canal despite us holding a rope at each end. Nothing we couldn’t manage, but it would have been much harder for a lone boater.
I’ve made good use of the cratch cover in recent days, but we decided to take it down again today. Its presence makes working the bow rope much more awkward, especially in windy conditions. Taking it down only took a few minutes, so perhaps we will put it up and down when we feel it appropriate in future.
We went for another head clearing walk later. We found new buds coming through, and a few small casualties of the recent storms.