I was looking forward to my trip to the Nantwich wool shop. I could see a fair bit of movement in the trees outside, so made sure I was fully equipped for autumnal weather. It was certainly fresh outside but I was walking briskly rather than strolling, since I was on a mission. I still stopped to admire some of the Tudor buildings though.

The wool shop had a bargain basket and since I was buying for baby knitting, small amounts and a variety was fine and several were baby specific anyway. Of course a few hand dyed silk skeins caught my attention too, and I would never find them at that price again. I left with a bulging bag.
I thought I would check out the church that had been closed yesterday (except for services). A man kindly offered to explain some of the intricacies of the stained glass windows and wood carvings. One looked modern (40 years old… That’s modern, right?) The church was decorated for harvest thanks giving service. In amongst the traditional bread basket, fruit and vegetables and sheaves of corn, the altar decoration included a tractor and trailer.

The octagonal tower of the church is distinctive and means that paths radiate way from it. I was heading back through a familiar path and then began to think it was odd that I hadn’t noticed that Almhouse with an octagonal tower yesterday… ah because we went a small circular or some more angular, assymmetrical shape when coming past the church so we hadn’t continued this far along. I retraced my steps to the centre. I was sure the road I had been on would probably link up with the same ring road that goes to the canal but would have meant walking along that busy road, rather than along Welsh Row, the oldest gateway to Nantwich, and across the carved stone pillared bridge, over the river.
I notice that the octagon had become a regular architectural feature. As well as the almshouse I saw the old school had a small octagonal tower.

By the time I got back I was pretty warm and the rain had stopped. Shane was driving and allowed a boat to pass that was gradually catching up with us. They hadn’t appeared impatient but enjoyed the overtaking manoevre and we exchanged jocular comments about top speed/ breaking the speed limit, while they passed. I thought I’d try knitting outside while keeping Shane company and attempted something to warm my ears in the wind, but had to stop to work a lock. The boat that had overtaken was in the lock as I arrived and the woman said they liked our boat and had googled it! They were in a hire boat and I’m wondering if they are thinking of buying one too!
These locks were easier to work than many of the I others we have encountered and it was fun to meet and chat with people. Plus it’s warmer. I hear there are a few more locks tomorrow and I’m looking forward to it.
We passed a freshly ploughed field, and Shane noticed there were mooring rings and there are picnic tables and barbecues, we won’t be using those, but I like the vibrant green of some fresh growth in one of the fields opposite.

Shane has touched up the grey paint (named “window”) in the stern deck so it looks smarter. It’s protected under the cover and it wasn’t much paint but I’m wondering if there will still be a fresh paint smell out there tomorrow.
I have managed to complete my headband, a Möbius strip, finishing up the wool I had used to make the mitts, so should be able to meet tomorrow’s weather, however fresh it gets.