This morning, as predicted , it was pouring rain outside. The plan was to sit out the rain, having fully charged up the batteries already yesterday. We are in one of 3 boat mooring basins, neither in a town, nor in the sticks, as there are plenty other boaters about and plenty of them have dogs. People with dogs can’t avoid going out in wet weather.

The rain eased later and we saw the boat behind moving, so Shane checked if he was ju st going for water, and returning, or would that space be available for us. He confirmed he was leaving the marina, so we got out and moved the boat one boatlength. We did a small burst of reverse, but mostly just used the ropes to haul Bartimaeus to its new spot. The wall is a little curved, so we are not perfectly snug along the bank, but we are now close enough that we can get on or off either end. My end was a tad muddier, and Shane spotted some clods on the floor when we got back in, so I guess it might be from my boots not his. Even though I was wearing my coat, I got mud on the cuff of my jumper. The ropes are not clean at the best of times but they have been much wetter and muddier of late. That jumper goes in the wash now.
We had quite a light lunch, but then we remembered that we had not started the fruit loaf. Coffee and cake was perfect. I will have to remember that recipe from the trusty old Fochabers bicentenary cook book.
Shane has been working on improving the drawers in the new cupboard morning, noon and night. He has been sawing, drilling and sanding and making progress. Handsawing and sitting on the floor was only comfortable for so long and the rain had stopped, so we went for a walk in the afternoon.The area has been well preserved with information notices for the history buff and is an attraction for walkers, even without dogs. I really liked the stone work of the wall right next to us.

Leaving the basin, we went along near a river, though there were a few drains, beyond capacity, making streams of their own. I don’ t know how full the stream is normally but this tree looked like it was losing its grip and was scoured well round by the river.

We chose to walk on the road rather than through the woods to avoid too much mud on the boots. At the end of the village we found a yard with a variety of fowl. I had at first just noticed hens but on close inspection there was a turkey, that had escaped the Christmas cull, ducks and a well camouflaged rhea. I wondered if it was used to dust bathing and had got mud-covered in stead. I felt rather clean and dry by comparison.

We dipped our boots in the small puddle between the grass and coping stones to keep the boat from getting too muddy. Sawdust sweeps up more easily!