I’ve been very well looked after and entertained by Clare, Shane, Bartimaeus and surroundings, animal, vegetable and mineral.
Today we put quite a lot of effort into getting from Glasson dock to a field just West of the A683 Bay Gateway road. Both places are lovely and everywhere in between is as well. I think Clare is telling you about the day. It turned out to be a good day for wildlife observation by the humans and by the wildlife, so I’m focussing on that. Most of the observation done by animals was focussed on Clare I think. but it’s not a competition.
Very good start – a wagtail was right outside the window for ages, Before Breakfast. It was very cute, stood on one leg sometimes, pecked at moss, hunkered down, wandered off to different patches of moss…
Sorry the photo is not that good, I think my camera was focussing on the window or those blades of grass nearest to us:
Glasson Arm today proved even more difficult than it was yesterday, partly I think as we were going uphill not downhill, but at least what water there was was nice and clear and we had plenty of time to see what was in it – weeds, water greeblies, and fish.
It is nice when there are no barriers like fences and hedges between the canal and the view, like this:
As you can see, the channel is narrow and shallow (and weedy). The cow seems to find Clare very interesting, but look at this:
Here is an observation by another animal:
Now it’s time for hunt the heron: