Somewhere over the rainbow

There was lots of rain, indeed a little hail, last night, but the morning was sunny with plenty blue sky…. And lots of wind. Roland set off for a walk back towards one of the swing bridges, I’d operated yesterday. Shane had found it was closed and our intention had been to go back through it, so we were unable to proceed until it opened so it was exercise and interest in the problem that motivated him.

The rest of us also went for a walk in the opposite direction. It has been fun looking at nature with Margaret and much of the time has been spent admiring birds andlooking up flowers to identify them. We didn’t look up the books for this brassica array we came across.

cauliflower, kale, broccoli etc

There’s a wide variety of crops around this area, including sunflowers.

Roland phoned and let us know that the bridge had been fixed. He also said the guy he’d spoken to had said that a car had stopped under the gate of another bridge and got stuck….ah yes we remember that! I was relieved that none was blaming the biasing party for lowering the gate, but the car driver for ignoring the signs.

We headed back through the bridges without any difficulty and stopped at the same spot for water and shopping and another opportunity to collect some fresh mint from a community herb box in Burcough for our Pimm’s. We have some lemon balm too but I don’t know what we’ll use that for.

We moved to a stretch where Shane and I have seen a really good view of a kingfisher in the past but this wasn’t repeated, despite an extended time at the front hoping to see one. But still we’d had a really good view of a cormorant and a kestrel in the morning. We saw plenty of nice views and buildings.

Mill at Parbold

And this weather has presented us with plenty of rainbows, though we’ve largely escaped the the rain.