Yesterday we headed back down to reunite with Bartimaeus, but no time to blog, what with all the journeying and trip to the supermarket and post office and unpacking and then meeting up with Lorna and Paul. We are really pleased they could join us and able to change their plans to accommodate the change in the Ribble crossing. Unfortunately Lorna wasn’t feeling too well and I hoped the boat’s movement wouldn’t cause further problems. Such a shame to be travelling when ill. Anyway we had a lovely evening and managed a short cruise, which didn’t seem to make her worse, in fact watching nature and the water was soothing. It’s good that she so appreciates the best all around. We moored successfully at the third attempt. It is no easier getting close to the bank this week than last!

Today we set off with a plan to go to Preston. Paul and I did a short shopping trip in Bilsborrow and was discussing with him that we could eat out in Preston at Taboosh Restaurant – perhaps for lunch tomorrow, if they fancied. When I got back Shane told me he had been called and asked if we could do the Ribble Link tomorrow 22nd, in stead of Friday 24th. That wasn’t just going to mean a mad rush down to the right place ready for an early start, but also a complete change of plan for Lorna and Paul and we couldn’t take them to Preston as planned. Still it is a danger to not accept the offer of a crossing tomorrow, as the change was due to a bad weather forecast – we really don’t want to get stuck here all winter.
So a busier day ahead than expected, and we needed to fit in getting water too. Paul helped with passing me a rope and manning the tap. We had to move back a foot to get the hose to reach and the hose still bounced out at one point but still it was okay. Lorna was amused by Paul watching me haul on the boat to bring it in and it was a pleasure to see her perking up well enough to laugh and take photos.

Luckily we had great weather and despite the time pressure we had a relaxing afternoon. Some of the time Lorna and I sat in front to get a better view. Lorna took some great photos, as always. She even captured a kingfisher.

And flying over

And we had time for a wee Pimms too.

We made good time and managed to finish the cooking just as we arrived ready at the locks in time. We could relax, eating as the sun set.

We had lots of laughs through the day, often about different accents and ways of pronouncing or expressing things. And breaking into song now and again too. It’s great fun having them aboard! And thanks to Lorna for all the fabby photos.