Flying Visit

When I knew I had a year’s worth of four-weekly immunotherapy treatments, I’d imagined that I’d visit Edinburgh for just long enough, at least for some of them.  In the end, there was always some reason or other to extend the stay by several days on one side or other – sometimes both.  For example, just before my recent ophthalmology appointment we discovered we couldn’t move the boat for a few days, so chose to spend them in Edinburgh.

I got relatively late notice of a dermatology appointment which coincided with some uncertainty about timings for a visit by Bryn.  We set off from Marple on Tuesday with the aim of getting the batteries fully charged and getting to Bollington.  We’ve been there before, so I knew there was a pleasant mooring on the embankment.  Fortunately there was just enough space for us.  We spent the afternoon reminding ourselves of the village, and climbing up to White Nancy – because it was there – on our return.

White Nancy.  A bell shaped tower sits on top of a hill above the village of Bollington.  The structure is coated in some kind of plaster which has been whitewashed.  The monument can be seen from a long distance away.  There are heavy grey clouds low over the distant hills.
White Nancy Under Grey Clouds

We got back to the boat without having got wet, just as the light was fading.

We set off promptly yesterday, heading for the moorings in Macclesfield.  As I’d hoped, we again got the batteries fully charged, and had plenty of time to go in to the town in search of lunch.  We found an excellent cafe (other cafes were available, slowing our decision making).  By the time we came out it was very nearly time for me to get on my first train, so we parted company at the station.  I’d been checking for disruption and decided to get a slightly earlier train to take the stress out of my connection, arriving in Stafford with some time in hand,  Across the road from the station is Victoria Park with the River Sow running through it.

Victoria Park, Stafford.  Viewed from a bridge, the banks of the River Sow have been straightened so that it looks more like a canal.  Paths and grass run down both banks.  All around are trees showing their autumn colours.
River Sow in Victoria Park, Stafford

There was a slight delay to my other train while we waited for a driver to arrive on another late-running service, but  continuing without the driver seemed ill-advised.  I was still in Edinburgh early enough to call in at the bike shop on my way home.  I’d been having some trouble with the hub gears in May and enquired about sending the wheel back to the manufacturers in Germany.  I’d been warned it could take months, but I had no plans to be in Edinburgh for a good while, so that seemed a good fit.  I’d asked about progress when we were in Edinburgh last month and got a “no… but…” sort of answer.

I was recognised when I stepped in to the shop – sometimes that can be bad news.  “I’ve got something for you!” sounded like good news though.  It was – my wheel was waiting for me!  That has worked out really well, I’ve only missed it on one afternoon while it was away.  The manufacturer had not worked out what was wrong, but has replaced the entire innards.  The repair bill was about 20% of a new replacement – if it works flawlessly for another 14 years I won’t feel overcharged.

Bike wheel.  The back wheel of a bicycle is leaning against a wall.  The brake rotor partially obscures the oversize hub which contains the 14 speed gear mechanism.
Brand New Hub Gears in Fourteen Year Old Wheel

Nye made me a delicious dinner and we embarked on a game of chess which was interrupted by Kenny coming round for a chat.  Once he’d left we finished the game – which ended with a sudden win for me, surprising both of us!

This morning I rebuilt my bike before heading on foot to my dermatology appointment.  After a quick examination I was told there was no cause for concern and I was out of the hospital in less than half an hour.  I headed for the station and caught an earlier train than planned.  A smooth trip saw me back in Macclesfield just over 24 hours after leaving.