Loose Ends

Today we managed to travel only a few miles, and no locks, but did pass this unusual foot bridge.

Turreted Foot Bridge
Foot Bridge with Spiral Stairs at Each End

Before lunch we got the waste tank emptied and the diesel tank filled.  We arrived at the marina to discover a boat moored just outside.  The entrance was typical for a marina on the towpath side – a 90 degree blind bend on top of which is a low bridge. Fortunately I noticed the other boat moored just inside, and paused in the main channel.  The folk on the boat we had just passed let me know that they were also trying to get to the services, so I drifted on to let them in.

Bartimaeus is a dream in these situations.  Once the other boat was safely inside I was able to quietly drive backwards and moor up where they had been, and then glide in once they’d left. I have now identified the final mystery key on the keyring – it turns out we have a lockable diesel cap.  Fortunately it was unlocked, so I didn’t look too much of a fuel/fool.

After lunch, I decide to try to resolve the intermittent fault with the HybridMarine system.  I was advised to remove the Ignition Panel to allow access to the underside of the top display.

Boat Control Panel
Boat Control Panel Ready for Awkward Access

That was the easy bit. The rain started at this point, so I had to hurriedly put the port side on the pram cover to keep everything dry. It turned out the side I fitted was for starboard – but it did the job well enough.

I then had to do a combination of electrical engineering and gynaecology to try to ensure that the various cables were firmly connected. I did find a loose cable cover, so it is suggestive without being conclusive. You only know you have fixed an Intermittent fault after some time has passed.

Inside the Control Column
The Brown Wires (bottom left) May not be Connected Properly

Once the rain had passed, I took a walk to the large DIY store (other DIY stores are available) and collected the sink drain filter I had ordered.  It fits perfectly, at last I can do the washing up without suddenly losing all the water.  On the way I spotted this chamber pot being used to stop the rain coming down the chimney.  We don’t have chimneys or chamber pots on Bartimaeus.

Chamber Pot Covering Chimney
Traditional Look to a Boat, with Chamber Pot Covering the Chimney