Another day in Marple. Managed to see more evidence of the town being frog- crazy. Nice to see a community joined in making things a bit of fun. They did a Halloween trail for the children when going to houses was discouraged last year, so they could still enjoy a special event.

We went to the bakers and bought lancashire pasties and some fruit and spice bread, then to The Locks cafe and had more local specialties – never had a Manchester tart blondie before.
During breakfast I had seen a young moorhen come tapping its beak on the side hatch perspex cover, sitting on the gunwale again. Later we discovered that several of the waterfowl had chosen to use that area and the side of Bartimaeus as a latrine so a bit of washing was required, rain alone had not clean it! The starboard name had to be scrubbed too. We had a chat with a couple about the meaning of the name. They knew of the Biblical reference.
We moved the boat a little and let’s see if we can escape being used as a toilet tonight! We are in a pretty spot, not far from the Marple flight.
We caught up with Nye and David for another walk and looking forward to their help in locks tomorrow.