The cold symptoms seemed to be clearing and past the worst. I had enjoyed using up the lemsip before it goes out of date next month. I was in a quandary though. I had already made a booking on coach to go to Dundee with my friend Peter, to meet my friend Margaret and go to the V&A there. There was an exhibition that was due to finish soon. The bus cost nothing, not even a booking charge on the electric service, so cancelling would be fine but I would miss the trip as it could not be rearranged with the special exhibition finishing soon.
I thought I would see how I felt overnight. I didn’t want to spread my virus either. Some colds I have had were only 24 hours of discomfort. I hadn’t booked into the paid exhibition yet, so there would be no need to cancel that or feel the money was wasted. I woke up feeling okay and decided to set off. The walk to the bus stop would be further than yesterday’s short turn around the Meadows so was a test in itself. Peter had boarded at the first stop in the town centre but I chose to join the bus at Haymarket. I was there in plenty time and all was going to plan.
On the way there it was Pete who felt a little unwell so he looked out the window. We had a fine view of the Forth and the bridges. I tried, now I was en route and feeling fine, booking in to the exhibition. I found it was sold out! Still there was another exhibition on that looked even more interesting to me and it was free with no booking required.
We made decent time and arrived just outside the Dundee train station only a couple of minutes before Margaret’s train came in from Aberdeen.It was perfect timing. Pete took a photo of us at the train station. It was a chilly day so we kept oor hauns in oor pooches.

Though we were very near the V&A, our first priority was lunch and Margaret had an idea or two in mind. We knew the V&A had a cafe but with a sold out exhibition there was a good chance of it being very busy, so I was happy to follow her lead. She took us to a Thai restaurant not far away and they had set one, two or three course lunches and prompt service so we had tasty starters and mains and Margaret had a coffee, while Pete and I shared a pot of jasmine tea. So many places bring individual teas but they had a tray especially for tea for two.

I hadn’t expected such a slap up lunch but was ready for it after the early-ish start, and even better we worked out that Peter owed both of us lunch from previous separate meets, so that was the bill sorted. What a treat!
At the V&A they headed for the kimono exhibition and I checked out the timings and departure spot for buses back, perused the main permanent exhibition and meandered downstairs. They had some children’s games but being a design museum, theirs were particularly stylish.

Back upstairs I had plenty time and had a good look at the tapestries. I really liked them. Each was the same size of square with a circle based theme, but were made by different person a variety of local topics, past and present. There was rather a crowd round the DC Thomson comic panel.

I loved the variety and details in the panels. The nature and Discovery ones were particularly striking but there were a very rich and diverse mix of subjects.

We reconvened and I enjoyed delicious cake in the busy cafe -it was quite hard to choose – and it was Margaret’s treat this timea. As we supped up and wiped our lips we saw the sun go down over the Tay, out of the window of the cafe.

Margaret had a booked train so after a further glance round the exhibits, we headed off. We took care over the ice and the bus was waiting for us. Peter had a later booking but they didn’t mind at all him getting a different bus. I was so pleased that I hadn’t cancelled and all our arrangements worked very well, a delightful outing.