Last night’s mooring by the pub tables was pleasant enough, but it was impossible to ignore the laddish conversations going on outside our windows until nearly midnight. This morning I noticed some moorings a few boat lengths away had become free, so we moved on to them in order to have a more peaceful evening today.
The weather was ideal for a bike ride – especially if we set off reasonably early. Now was the time to find out how easy it was to get the tandem out of the cupboard. The front part came out no problem, and Clare duly stood on the bank with it while I got the rest. It turned out a bit like my Mum trying to teach me to waltz, it ended in the right place, but few of the steps in between seemed right – and who was supposed to be leading anyway? The correct sequence is: reverse out of cupboard, spin partner to face exit, lower partner to horizontal, retreat to exit leading partner, climb steps backwards lifting partner. I’ll get better at it.
We’d not gone far when Clare commented on the state of the tyre underneath her. Pumping up both tyres made the bike handle much better. After a short but busy section through town we crossed the River Lune on a bridge with no cars.
We then cycled down the estuary on a mix of paths and very quiet roads. It was clear from the fast flowing water that the tide was coming in. Some of the roads we used looked like they might be underwater at high tide. At Overton we could see over to Glasson where we were last week, but it was too hazy to make out any detail.
We turned north keeping as close to the coast as we could, soon finding ourselves in Heysham Village. As we reached the coast we could see the promenade stretching north. The other way, cycling was banned, but Clare spotted our second church of the day. We also found the excellent (outdoor) Mad Hatter’s Cafe, and had a light lunch. Clare considered having cake, but the conclusion was: “no room, no room”.
Replete, we cycled along the promenade through Morecambe. There was a roaring current at the end of the pier – the tide was going out again. At Hest Bank we joined the canal towpath for our return to Lancaster. On our way we crossed the Lune again, also on a bridge with no cars – the aqueduct.
Putting the tandem back in to its cupboard was easy. Even though we had to split it to do so, that’s easier than getting the gangplank. Running the back wheel down the steps ahead of me reminded me that reversing that process is The Right Way to bring it out. A lovely day out on the bike reminded me why I wanted to go to the trouble of storing it.