Meeting and Eating

Today we arranged to meet up with a friend I haven’t seen for many years.  We arranged to meet in the pretty village of Kinver.  After a pizza in the garden of The Vine (next to the lock) we went for a short cruise up to Stourton Junction and back.  The afternoon sun was marginally cooler than it had been at lunchtime and we enjoyed a relaxed pace.

On our return Clare made us a delicious stir-fry while I explored the picnic furniture in the forward locker. It turns out we have a very serviceable set of chairs and a picnic table.  The table will also be usable under the cratch or under the pram hood – what a bonus!

So we’ve now had our first guests, and our first towpath meal. 

Dinner on the Tow Pa
Paul, Richard and Clare have Dinner on the Tow Path