The weather improved the next day when Pete had to catch a train back to Edinburgh. Jude decided to take Shane’s advice on trains to York and he was very willing to give it. She had followed a local’s advice before, which worked but it hadn’t seemed the most efficient journey from Boroughbridge. A shorter journey would allow them a more relaxing time in York before heading for the train. While they went to Viking York, we went on our Roman ramble.
Later Jude would have been justified in having some time to herself after hosting visitors, but she accepted my offer of tea with us, even though I didn’t offer any particular speciality. I splashed in the Henderson’s sauce to my stew and tried out my cheese dumplings, which passed muster. Jude’s faith in Shane’s advice seemed justified and she was happy with her new route.
I had some errands to do the next morning, a trip to the post office, another trip to the baker shop and using the post office. I really liked the bakery and enjoyed seeing the old-fashioned tally written on the bags. She didn’t need to add them up though, like the grocer I used to go to when I was young.

Between those two shops I had seen a charity shop. I had noticed when looking for trousers, when the weather cooled, that a lot were worn through and I had hardly any that were not torn or about to rip. I felt justified in having a shopping spree, especially when Shane didn’t have to hang about while I tried things on. It turned out the shop had nowhere I could try things on but would take returns within 28 days. I had more like 24 hours but that was fine. My wardrobe was replenished with nearly new rather than very old items. Three out of four were a perfect fit.
Boroughbridge had several plaques relating the battle fought there, in the days of knights and in this instance the bridge caused them to have to dismount and they were attacked from below. I can’t really ever make sense that the best way to decide how to run a country is based on how many people you are able to kill, not how good your decisions are and how well you feed or care for people.

Shane had looked up a walk for us to see something much more ancient than the battle of Boroughbridge or even the Romans, called Devil’s Arrows. They pre-dated the bow and arrow, by a very long time, but the name changed over the ages. Shane was disappointed that the three in alignment were not visible due to a very high maize crop but a sign explains what should be visible. I am surprised they couldn’t be seen since they are a lot taller than the stones at stonehenge.

We met Jude for a drink in the evening at The Anchor pub, recommended by the Linton pubgoers. Jude hadn’t seen the ancient items. After harvest they she might get a better view than we did. I hope she manages to see all three. Early accounts mention more than three.

As we approach the equinox, the visits to the stones increase. On the way out of the pub we saw a full moon, that seemed like a popular pagan festival time, especially with it being September. A couple of nights later we saw the blood moon with the eclipse. That could be peak Devil’s Arrows visiting time now, and in ancient times.