Wet, wet, wet

Today was a slower day as predicted.  We’ve done eight locks, but they were spread across the countryside rather than in flights.  We’re gradually dropping down towards Fazeley Junction where we will join the Coventry Canal for a short section.

Included in the plan for the day had been getting to a marina near the junction to get some important tanks emptied and filled as appropriate.  We set off at a gentle pace and had a few pleasant chats with other boaters that we met at the locks.  When the rain came on lightly I’d already told Clare that I would walk on to the next one and see her there.  Before she’d got the boat out of the lock, the rain changed to downpour.  The plan changed to nailing the boat to the bank and cowering from the rain.  We’d both got soaked in seconds – but no problem, we have somewhere warm and dry and fresh clothes.

We were forced to have lunch until the rain stopped – life’s tough sometimes.  Walking between a later pair of locks I found this alternative way of charging batteries.  I’m sure it has its merits, but it will have to come down when travelling.

Wind Turbine on a Narrowboat
Using the Wind to keep Batteries Charged

We were less than two miles (and no locks) from the marina when the thunder started.  We didn’t want another soaking today, so we moored up for the day just as the rain started.  We got everything sorted before the real rain came.  There’s something quite pleasant about looking out at rain and knowing you don’t have to go out in to it.

Rain On the Canal
Rain on the Canal through the Hatch